Geis continues to extensively modernise its fleet across the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) region to provide customers with even more efficient and flexible services with minimal environmental impact. This year, we will be expanding our own fleet with dozens of new vehicles and have put a new electric truck into live operation in the Hradec Kralove area. Investing in modern technology will also bring sustainability benefits.
ContinueGeis has long been helping to restore nature around Ejpovice near Pilsen, where its Czech headquarters are located. It supports the planting of new trees in the municipal forest, which has been affected by bark beetle and logging in the past.
ContinueGeis has expanded its logistics services with an important partner - the French cosmetics company NAOS. By taking over the complete warehouse logistics for their products, Geis has become a key partner in the distribution of high-quality dermocosmetics on the Czech and Slovak markets.
ContinueLogistics is not just about transport and storage. Without the right packaging, goods would rarely arrive safely at their destination. That's why packaging is an integral part of logistics.
ContinueInternational freight transport between Asia and Europe is again facing significant challenges after a short period of calm following the pandemic.
ContinueAt Geis, we are constantly striving to improve our processes and find innovative solutions. This is why we are now implementing Pick-by-Voice technology in the Ostrava project as part of our broad portfolio of innovations. After the evaluation of the test phase, we expect to increase picking productivity in this project by up to 10%.
ContinueAs part of the strategic development of our data infrastructure, more efficient access to systems and the increasing use of cloud services, we are technologically upgrading our data network in the CEE region to a new SD-WAN-based technology. It will mainly bring high flexibility to our clients, and even shorter response times to their requests. At the same time, the availability of customer portals and applications will increase.
ContinueLogistics companies are used to transporting various types of cargo, but occasionally a task appears that requires much more than just a standard procedure. Do you know what a substation for public transport is? One such just recently travelled from the Czech Republic to Estonia. The specific transport required a special approach and careful organisation.
ContinueIn the ever-growing CEE region, we are investing in the modernisation and renewal of our fleet. Three key projects - the deployment of Cityliners in Poland, the completion of a complete replacement of truck and the purchase of new trailers in the Czech Republic - reflect our drive to achieve optimal efficiency in the distribution of shipments.