The beginning of the year is usually a time of taking stock of previous years. Although it might seem that after two years of covid nothing could surprise us, last year another blow came. And it was even worse - the war conflict in Ukraine. Unfortunately, hopes of stabilising society and markets were short-lived. In both periods, logistics played a very important, one might say indispensable, role. We asked Daniel Knaisl, Managing Director of the logistics company Geis, how he perceives the constant changes and increasingly challenging conditions.
ContinueRenáta and Kristýna. Two women who work with their hearts. And it shows! Even though it might seem that their fields are diametrically opposed, it's just the opposite. The first of them, Renáta Chlebková Benešová, is a CSR specialist at the humanitarian organisation ADRA. Helping is her mission. The second, Kristýna Copková, is a marketing manager at the logistics company Geis. Even though she works for a large multinational company, her heart is in the right place. And she is certainly not afraid of any challenge. But what do they have in common?
ContinueWhat do you know about logistics? Do you think it's moving goods from point A to point B? You're right, but you don't have it. In fact, the actual movement of goods is only part of the industry. What else logistics deals with was the subject of a lecture, during which Geis project manager Jan Jadrníček passed on his experience in warehouse logistics to students of the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Economics in Prague.
ContinueUp to half of the elderly suffer from loneliness. That is why we decided to support lonely seniors in the ADRA run. And we succeeded!
ContinueAt the end of June we opened a new branch in Petrovany near Prešov.
ContinueThe season for gardeners, DIYers and builders is in full swing. The Hornbach e-shop normally sends out hundreds of shipments to its customers every day, and the numbers increase even more during the season. The logistics provider, Geis, is also helping to manage the ever-increasing number of orders. The company transports the shipments to the customers and also supplies the packaging material.
ContinuePřestože mezinárodní přeprava, zejména transport zboží z Asie a dalších dalekých trhů, je sama o sobě poměrně nepružnou oblastí, vnější vlivy ji dokážou významně destabilizovat. Ukázalo se to nejen za covidu, ale i při nehodě v Suezském průplavu, za extrémních povětrnostních podmínek a samozřejmě také po začátku válečného konfliktu na Ukrajině. Díky výrazně nižší poptávce a narovnávání dodavatelských řetězců v loňském roce však velké zdražování konečně vystřídalo zlevňování. Lze ale předvídat, jak to bude dál?