Before contacting us, please see the FAQs below.
Here you can find the answer to your question and save time.
You can find out where your shipment is currently on the shipment tracking page or directly at the top of our website. There is a box for tracking your shipment, where you just need to enter the shipment number. You will immediately see where your shipment is currently located. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on our customer service line during working hours from 8:00-17:00 on 951 277 777 or contact us in any other way.
Our company usually delivers pallet shipments on the next working day after picking up the shipment throughout the Czech Republic. To find out the delivery time for other shipments, please use the enquiry form.
Yes, we also provide transport abroad. For more information email us at
Fill in the enquiry form, which will be forwarded to the relevant sales department, after which we will contact you.
Regarding discrepancies in invoicing, please send a specific invoice to the customer center by e-mail:
In case of any problems, you can contact technical support. If you do not find what you are looking for here, or the problem still persists, contact your sales representative directly.
We offer temporary jobs at some of our branches throughout the year. We advertise and fill temporary jobs in the same way as permanent vacancies.
We are a market leader of logistics and transportation services also outside the borders of the Czech Republic. We are committed to provide comprehensive service from a single resource, while the highest standards of quality are maintained. All of our employees are involved whom we expect the same level of commitment as our customers expect from our company.
If you are interested in the vacancy for a driver, do not hesitate to contact our HR department jobs for carriers and couriers.
Graduates are welcome! The vacancies suitable for graduates are clearly marked, and we welcome all high school and university graduates specialising in transport and logistics to work in operations and administration.
Send your CV to the HR department at In your email, be sure to include exactly what you want to do and the region you want to work in.
Select the position you are interested in from the vacancies and apply directly via the online form via the ANSWER button at the bottom of the advert. Don't forget to attach your CV and a cover letter if applicable.
New edition of the magazine for employees and customers.
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